Blog - Articles on Kung Fu

Jing Chi Shen

This is not a repetition of what is written elsewhere.  Check out the article on Chi. This is about how to develop Chi. When we

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Wu Wie

Wu Wei has often been translated to mean something like Not Doing, or Doing By Not Doing.  It implies somehow, achievement by doing nothing. The

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Li is the grain in wood or jade. Li is the reason why a willow leaning over a stream relaxes the mind and a city

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The Yin Yang

Unlike the polarities or other mythologies, Yin and Yang are not at war.  They are not opposed in an endless struggle such as, the light

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The power through which the Tao is made manifest or is actualised.  Or, the virtue or power inherent in a person or thing existing in

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Elemental Relationships

As students progress through the Masters’ Course they develop their understanding of the Elements that they have been learning about during the Advanced Course.  Now,

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Heaven Earth

The symbol for Heaven is three Yang solid lines.  Picture the sky, it represents infinite space to accommodate any possibility.  It is the most pure

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Wind Thunder

Picture the lightening strike at night hitting a mountain and the shocking crack of thunder that shakes us even though we expected it.  It arouses

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Water Fire

Fire is forever radiating outward energy, rushing for the top, yet is essentially empty inside.  It is bright, beautiful and illuminating.  It has direction, but

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Mountain Lake

The imagery of the eight trigrams represent the combinations of yin and yang that are possible with three sections. The solid bar represents yang, while

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We have many articles on subjects from fighting techniques and strategy to personal development and philosophy.  They will help you to understand what we teach in our academy and guide you on your martial arts journey.